When we were kids, my cousins and I came up with a tradition of holding our own exclusive Halloween party every year on October 31st. We would create our own costumes from old clothes or whatever we could find, improvise masks or wigs and wear scary make up. Now, you can simply purchase these things online but back then, we simply made our own. Then, we would buy or prepare some snacks, hold the party in any of our houses. And then we would dance to the tune of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”. We were really into it and remembered having so much fun.
After a few years, we were on our teens, actively serving in the church and extended this tradition to our friends. We even held this party in a function room in the parish. I think our parish priest was not aware; CCTVs were not common then. And honestly, we did not attempt to hide anything because we did not think there was anything wrong with our party, to begin with. Though we did not get into dark things like drugs or sex (we only played harmless wholesome games like charades, then danced to 80s or 90s hits, shared meals and enjoyed each other’s company) but we wore scary and gory costumes and we actually enjoyed them. We were so naïve and poorly catechized that we did not know that we were actually celebrating Halloween based on a pagan origin associated with abominable human sacrifices, (a very important occasion now for Satanists) – and we were right there, in God’s Church, where He alone, should be worshipped.
And up to the present time, according to a priest, Satanists still practice offering children as sacrifices during Halloween in a certain US state. Who knows where else? It is perhaps also happening in some parts of the world. How happy they must be, that these innocent Christian children flock practically everywhere in costumes imitating the evil and fallen ones, with their pumpkin baskets, to celebrate with them (although resulting from ignorance) every year. But try going to churches on November 1st, and these places are practically deserted. Many Catholics are still not aware of it and I am not surprised. We ourselves were raised Catholic but we did not go to Mass on November 1st. We went to cemeteries, lit candles, prayed a little, chatted more and formed balls from melted candles. I remembered enjoying simply going there especially in the early evening, bonding with families and relatives, and watching the flickering lights. I was merely focused on the shallow aspect of our family traditions. The true Christian tradition, sadly, has been overshadowed by pagan ways of celebrating Halloween. Yes, Christian children knew all about their favorite superhero characters, excited about the spooky atmosphere and the candies they receive, but do not know much about saints!
Anyway, back to my story, when we had our own families, we resumed this pagan tradition which had stopped for a while. This time, we excitedly prepared a mix of scary, super hero or fairy costumes for our young kids then. On another occasion, where I worked, Halloween and Trick or Treat was celebrated and considered a big event. I remember even borrowing my grandmother’s laced wedding gown which was just the perfect length for me that I could easily walk and not step on the hem (she was a petite lady). And she indulgently allowed me to borrow it for this purpose. She couldn’t find the veil, but guess what? I found a laced fabric from an old gown that I could use as my veil to appear like a ghost bride or something. I had the usual make up of dark eye shadow around my eyes and my costume was a hit!
In Catholic and Christian schools, wearing scary costumes was often discouraged because it causes fear among kids and the administrators considered it a way to glorify evil – to which I didn’t agree then. I thought it was just for fun and there was nothing wrong with that. Back then, I would always rationalize and say, I know my Faith. I am confident with my Faith. This is just for fun! Still, a costume party and trick or treating was being practiced and it was considered a big thing in public school and other non-sectarian private schools.
And when we got hooked with Harry Potter books, and there were elderly people who warned us about these books, we all said the same thing. We know our Faith, these are just stories! They are fiction; just children’s books. How can these possibly cause harm?
The irony of it all was that if we had really known our Faith well, as we claimed, we would not have participated in such parties. And we would not have read those books.
The Enemy has various ways of enticing us until we are attached to these things that give us little pleasure, and unconsciously, or consciously, we rationalize because we are not willing to give them up.
We also usually spent November 1st going to the cemetery, year after year. We did not go to Mass, not knowing how important it was. Instead, when we got home, we would watch scary documentaries or movies on TV. It was bonding time with my cousins as we screamed at the top of our lungs amidst giggles, while watching. Those were fond memories though – the bonding part.
During this time of the year, it is often that there are tons of scary movies about ghosts or common superstitious beliefs being played in theaters, which often become blockbusters, mind you. I had watched a lot of them in the past. These movies can actually be harmful as they can deposit fear to the subconscious, making the psyche open and vulnerable to the evil one.
Sadly, many horror films, fictitious as they are meant to be, can actually mislead or misinform people. For instance, in most cases, when a character is possessed, the person is brought to a faith healer, which is quite common in many countries. Furthermore, when the character has been cursed or a spell has been cast upon him by a witch, the movie often ends up as if evil has won and there is no hope in healing that person. Why not show the character being brought to a priest or an exorcist who, in reality, through the power of our Lord Jesus, can actually heal him?
There are other TV shows which, in many ways, up to now, actually encourage and even promote consulting occult practitioners, feng shui experts, spirit questors, clairvoyant, fortune-tellers, etc. (despite warnings from exorcists) by showing documentaries or airing series about such, not usually explaining the danger of doing so but rather, treating them as normal and acceptable! These movie and TV producers sensationalize these things ultimately for views, for money. It is no wonder that up to now, many elderly people still hold on to pagan beliefs such as superstitions, use of crystals for healing, while also being Catholic, and having passed on these beliefs to their children, these beliefs still persist up to this very day.
In my opinion, media has a huge responsibility in this matter too and should also take into consideration the possible good and harm it can cause (not just to children but also to adults) and not do a project merely to entertain or for the sake of freedom of expression – a term which is so highly abused. Entertainment is a powerful tool to spread about what is good, holy, true and pleasing to God.
In my youth, I was also into books about vampires, ghosts and all sorts of things that actually left me disturbed and unsettled, in contrast to reading the Word of God or stories of saints that give us calmness and raise our minds, hearts and spirits to the things that are of God. Those wasted years when we should have been watching and reading stories about saints!
Years went by, and as we learned more and more about the teachings of the Church and about how demons work, we realized that celebrating Halloween like we did was, in fact, a way to glorify evil and we didn’t want our children to think that it was alright just because it was fun. We had to forego this tradition.
Come to think of it, we didn’t even know the origins of celebrating Halloween and what the word “Halloween” meant. It has a pagan origin and also has a Christian origin. If you want to know more about this and be well-informed about our Faith, you may check this post from EWTN, which I find quite helpful: https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/library/halloween-its-origins-and-celebration-5523
Anyway, it is great that parishes in the recent years have been trying to redirect Catholics to focus on this important feast, All Saints’ Day, and have come up with activities such as parades of saints, where children are dressed as saints of their choice.
When this was started for the first time in our parish a few years ago, many children, including ours, were able to participate in such a happy and meaningful event of promoting the holy ones and ending up with the Holy Mass at the church.
As the cases of demonic possession and the like increase, I believe that our church leaders have become more aware and vigilant in informing people about these things. More priests are diligently giving talks in various places worldwide and on social media to inform Catholics about the Faith and warning them to avoid activities that may cause an opening for us to be harmed by the evil one like playing the Spirit of the Glass, Ouija board, consulting faith healers (occult practitioners) and so many more, disguised as innocent and harmless activities.
In other countries, Satanism and Wicca are widely accepted by the society as religions. But no one persecutes people when they join these groups. But we see Christians, especially Catholics being disrespected, persecuted and mocked all the time for practicing their Faith. Churches are being burned, people are being killed, the laws of God being rejected and replaced.
As parents, we have a bigger responsibility in being selective of what our children read and watch and be equipped to explain to our children whether the contents are morally right or wrong. In fact, there are less and less quality movies to watch on cable these days, especially those on live stream. Many are actually just trash – meant to scare people or get curious about sex and all sorts of violence. Young people are more in danger now not just from movies but also from books, music, from the internet which can easily be accessed through their smartphones. Occult practitioners are quite visible on social media and these people even have Facebook pages to follow or groups where one can join, not to mention those various demonic apps that can easily be installed.
Bottom line is, we have to be more vigilant because the Enemy is out in the open. Things like Ouija boards, cursed Voodoo dolls and the like are easily sold online and many non-believers – and sadly, even believers, fall into the trap. He is not trying to conceal his ways anymore but convinces people he does not really exist. Sometimes he convinces people of his existence, bragging about his power by offering fame, power and money. And often, people think that in cooperating with the Devil, they can actually be working partners.
One priest, in his homily, warned his parishioners to not be deceived. He said, “This Enemy has nothing but hate for man.” And working for him and his camp will not make us his close friends. We cannot negotiate with him. In the beginning, he will give us what we desire to show that he is on our side and for us to believe that he is keeping his side of the bargain but being the father of all lies, he will eventually trick us and show his true nature. He will accuse us when we are nearing the end of our lives so that we can be driven towards despair and never return to God. If we give in to him, then we are subject to his authority and we lose God’s protection. The enemy’s goal is to destroy us, to destroy our relationship with our Creator, and to bring us down to hell with him in misery in all eternity, apart from God. He hates God; he is miserable and he wants the same thing for us, God’s children, as well.
We have to read our Catechism, read and meditate on the Word of God, frequently receive the Sacraments, pray more and ask for the intercession of our Lady, the saints and the angels. We must teach them to our children more diligently and by God’s Grace, even when we are no longer around, they can be guided by God in navigating this dark world without getting lost, and if they do, with the help of our Mother Mary, the angels and the saints, they may always find their way home to the Light of Christ and share that light with others.
To God be the Glory!