Nowadays, it is even more necessary and urgent (than before) for our family to be vigilant in learning about the Catholic Faith amidst a highly secular world. It is not enough that we merely listen to Bible scholars, priests, bishops, cardinals or even our Pope and simply believe and obey whatever they say. Sadly, not all representatives of Christ proclaim His Teachings but their own personal opinions and interpretation of the Scriptures. While we must continue respecting them, loving them and praying for them, we have to keep in mind that all people are prone to errors and the changing world can affect people’s views and beliefs, even those of the consecrated ones. We cannot simply be blinded by focusing solely on the credentials of the people speaking or writing but rather on the content of what they are saying. That said, it is not enough that we merely leave this crucial task to the educational institutions or to our Church – or to anyone. They are our partners in evangelizing our children, that is true. But as parents, we have the primary responsibility and spiritual authority given by God to teach our children diligently about the Gospel above all things. We ourselves must take an active role in learning about the deposit of Faith handed down by Christ to the apostles and handed by the apostles to their successors up to this very day. We have to read the Scriptures, learn our Catechism, teach our children and model the virtues to them. What a tough task! I must say, our hands are full. The latter, seems to be the most difficult part. But let us do our best, unworthy as we are, to do as much as we can and to do this for love of God, knowing that He will recognize our seemingly fruitless effort and the love we put into this. By God’s Grace, He shall supply the rest of what we need.
With so many modern, new age and superstitious beliefs or traditions that are contrary to the teachings of the Church scattered all over the internet and social media, we do not want our children to go into a battle unarmored. There are false prophets anywhere and one day, we may not be around to guide our children and to answer their questions with the Truth. We might not be available to comfort them with God’s Word when they meet challenges in life. Just because they are baptized as Catholic does not guarantee they will remain so till the end. There is not even a guarantee they will remain Christians. The only opportunity and certainty that God provides is now. Now, we have the opportunity to introduce them to reading the Scriptures. Now, we have the chance to show them by example, the importance of the Sacraments and Sacred traditions of the Church. They must know where to find the Truth and may the Holy Spirit always guide them towards it. We can only do so much and we need God’s Help.
How are we going to prepare them to recognize the devil, the enemy? How do they discern the truth from lies when the father of all lies himself, in his expertise, can present lies in between truths to appear enticing and correct? Flashback to Genesis, in the Garden of Eden when the ancient serpent sowed seeds of pride and error in Adam and Eve, leading them to disobey God, we must not forget that he is still the same devil who deceive many today.
Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why many Catholics, lay and the consecrated ones, work together and harder to come up with projects that will help the faithful to be equipped with the Truth to strengthen each family, to live the Faith and to defend it using social media. A few weeks before the end of 2020, I came across LifeSite news on YouTube featuring Our Lady of the Rosary Family Catechism and I was really grateful to have found it. We ourselves have not read the entire Catechism and this is such a big help.
Families can go to their website and simply register for free. Together, they can watch and learn together Baltimore catechism which is presented beautifully through brief videos hosted by Father Pillari. Produced by Voice of the Family, there are three inspiring introductory lessons about the message of our Lady at Fatima, to be succeeded by lessons on catechism with printable activity materials for each lesson for mastery. Each lesson also features the life of one or more saints to better illustrate the meaning and example of the topic being presented. The lessons are good enough for adults and children as young as 8. One can only proceed to the next lesson after completing the previous one and can always go back and watch the previous videos.
This can be a good bonding experience too, that will help us know how to be able to live the Faith, grow in holiness and see clearly what is good in contrast with the deception of evil. This gives the children the opportunity to discuss and ask questions, I highly encourage everyone to visit their website and enjoy this spiritual journey that will help strengthen and protect the whole family. Whatever our family is going through at present, let us continue planting seeds of God’s teaching and love, believing that He will shine upon them so that they may bear fruit in His Perfect Time.
To God be the glory!
(edited and reposted; first published in 2021)